Top Most Interesting French Riviera Quotes (Free Images)

Looking for French Riviera quotes?

The French Riviera is associated with glitz and glamour and the rich and famous. The French Riviera is a summer hideout place for many of the world’s rich and famous, and its history of attracting the world’s aristocrats goes back to when the British and Russian aristocrats, in particular, came to the Riviera during the winter for sunlight therapy.

The Riviera is very iconic and a mythical place in the south of France, and it has been the host of many interesting events throughout history.

There’s something special about the French Riviera, and it seems the rich and famous thinks so too. The luxurious buildings, the glamorous lifestyle, the amazing climate, and beautiful landscapes.

The French Riviera has a lot to offer and considering that its history stretches far back, many French Riviera quotes have been born throughout the years.

There are many French Rivera quotes that some of the world’s leaders have said over the years, and there are also a number of very iconic French Riviera quotes of which its origin can’t be found and traced. We’ll also be sharing some iconic quotes about France that also relate to the French Riviera and the way of life there.

In this post, we’re sharing all of the top French Riviera quotes which have been said over the years about it.

Rick Steves Snapshot Nice & the French Riviera

Top French Riviera quotes

Top Most Interesting French Riviera Quotes

“Everything ends this way in France – everything. Weddings, christenings, duels, burials, swindlings, diplomatic affairs – everything is a pretext for a good dinner.”

 – French playwright Jean Anouilh

Top Most Interesting French Riviera Quotes

“How can you govern a country which has 246 varieties of cheese?” 

– Charles de Gaulle

Top Most Interesting French Riviera Quotes

“France has the only two things towards which we drift as we grow older – intelligence and manners.” 

– F. Scott Fitzgerald

Top Most Interesting French Riviera Quotes

“If you could have walked on the planet before humans lived here, maybe the Ivory Coast would have seemed more beautiful than La Côte d’Azur.” 

Dejan Stojanovic

Top Most Interesting French Riviera Quotes

“There was my Riviera love peering over at me over dark glasses”

Top Most Interesting French Riviera Quotes

”The French Riviera: A sunny place for shady people”

Top Most Interesting French Riviera Quotes

On the pleasant shore of the French Riviera, about had way between Marseilles and the Italian border, stands a large, proud, rose-colored hotel 

– F. Scott. Fitzgerald

Top Most Interesting French Riviera Quotes

The easy glamour of the French Riviera in the 1960s – inspired by Rome Schneider’s character in La Piscine  – mixed with garden elements. Blueprint, botanical, lattice, Queen Anne’s lace and folly prints are paired with cleaner silhouettes and proportions in a fresh palette of green, white, and coral.

 – Tony Burch

Top Most Interesting French Riviera Quotes

”Learn French because there’s small chance that French will learn any other language”

Top Most Interesting French Riviera Quotes

If you could have walked on the planet before humans lived here, maybe Ivory Coast would have seemed more beautiful than La Cote D’Azur

-Dejan Stojanovic

”Since the 19th century, the French Riviera has attracted royalty, which those of us who live here laugh at”

-Robert Adelson

Top Most Interesting French Riviera Quotes

”So, where’s the Cannes Film Festival being held this year?”

-Christina Aguilera

Top Most Interesting French Riviera Quotes

”For many years, I enjoyed the pleasure of cruising on my yacht all summer long and these were my best holidays. In mid-May, we’d start in St Tropez. I’d collect my bikinis from my home  there and then we’d go up to Cannes  for the Film Festival, on to Monte Carlo for the Grand Prix, and then to Italy.”

-Ivana Trump

Top Most Interesting French Riviera Quotes

”Every year there’s a jury at the Cannes Film Festival. Getting on the jury is very competitive in France. Not because the French love cinema, but because they love to judge.”

-Craig Ferguson

Top Most Interesting French Riviera Quotes

”I must hurry back to my house and flowers in Monaco”

-Lillie Langtry

Top Most Interesting French Riviera Quotes

”Just another day in Monaco where every hour is happy”

Top Most Interesting French Riviera Quotes

”You were never told that Saint-Tropez is paradise?”

-Karl Lagerfeld

Top Most Interesting French Riviera Quotes

”I always say ”morning” instead of ”good morning”. If it was a good morning, I would be on a yacht in Saint-Tropez.”

Top Most Interesting French Riviera Quotes

”Saint-Tropez has a face glow that is amazing – you can put it on without makeup, and your skin just glows”

-Chrissy Teigen

Top Most Interesting French Riviera Quotes

”Nothing says ”Holiday escape” more than a golden Saint-Tropez tan and a vibrant Lily Pulitzer print.”

Top Most Interesting French Riviera Quotes

”As far as festivals, nothing tops Cannes”.

-Sasha Lane

Top Most Interesting French Riviera Quotes

”Looks is a matter of perception. At Cannes, Europeans think I am good looking, while in India, I am not.”

-Nawazuddin Siddiqui

”Cannes is a little bit like French wine. There are certain years that people prefer over others.”

-Rob Lowe

Top Most Interesting French Riviera Quotes

”Until you’ve been to Cannes, it’s hard to describe to someone the magnitude of that festival.”

-Taylor Sheridan

Top Most Interesting French Riviera Quotes

”You hear people saying, ‘Oh I’m so tired, I’ve had enough of Cannes.’ How can you have enough of Cannes? It’s just the best place to be, like a fairytale.”

-Marjane Satrapi

Top Most Interesting French Riviera Quotes

”I always go to the Cannes Film Festival and it’s just such a glamorous time.”

-Georgina Chapman

Top Most Interesting French Riviera Quotes

”We were married in the south of France because Gene loved France. If he could have been born French, he would have been – that was his dream.”

-Gilda Radner

Top Most Interesting French Riviera Quotes

”The South of France is one of my favorite places in the world.”

-M. Ward

Top Most Interesting French Riviera Quotes

”For years I have been going to the South of France to cool out.”

-Suzanne Somers

Top Most Interesting French Riviera Quotes

”My son loves the Hotel du Cap, in the south of France.”

-Diane von Furstenberg

Top Most Interesting French Riviera Quotes

”Most of my holidays are with wonderfully generous friends with houses in the country or the South of France.”

-Patrick Cox

Top Most Interesting French Riviera Quotes

”I have found serenity at Monaco.”

-Stephan El Shaarawy

Top Most Interesting French Riviera Quotes

”My dream is to have a beautiful old house in Monaco.”

-Eva Herzigova

Top Most Interesting French Riviera Quotes

”In Monaco, it’s classic Mediterranean haute cuisine. In London, it’s a contemporary French restaurant that I’ve developed with a U.K. influence and my French know-how.”

– Alain Ducasse 

Top Most Interesting French Riviera Quotes

”Grace Kelly forged a link between Monaco and the movie world, and I would like to create a strong bond between Monaco and the fashion community.”

-Charlene, Princess of Monaco

Top Most Interesting French Riviera Quotes

”My main base is Monaco, and that’s where I live most of the time.”

– Caroline Wozniacki

Top Most Interesting French Riviera Quotes

”I then remained in Berlin until Dec. 1938, spending my time between pictures at my villa on the Riviera.”

-Pola Negri

Top Most Interesting French Riviera Quotes

The Mediterranean is in my DNA. I’m fine inland for about a week, but then I yearn for a limitless view of the sea, for the colours and smells of the Italian and French Riviera.

-Alain Ducasse

Top Most Interesting French Riviera Quotes

We also have favourite place in France, called Charlot Premier in Nice, which does excellent oysters.

-Roger Moore

Top Most Interesting French Riviera Quotes

My long, blonde hair has been my trademark ever since I started modelling in the Seventies, when I was scouted sunbathing in St Tropez.

-Jerry Hall

These were the top French Riviera quotes about the French Riviera and the cities situated in the area. Have you heard any of them before?

 Which did you find the most interesting?

We’d love to hear your thoughts about these French Riviera quotes in the comment section below!


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