
How Far is Nice from Cannes?

How Far is Nice from Cannes?

Both Nice and Cannes are two iconic cities on the French Riviera. They’re also the two most popular cities on the French Riviera, and where most tourists who choose to visit the French Riviera stay. The good news is that on the French Riviera, the distances between the different cities, places, and towns are quite short, and this gives tourists a great opportunity to explore and experience everything much of what the French Riviera has to offer. In this, a common question that is being asked is ”how far is nice from Cannes”. This is a question being asked commonly…
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21 Reasons To Visit Nice France On The French Riviera

21 Reasons To Visit Nice France On The French Riviera

Want to go to the French Riviera but not sure which city you should stay in? The French Riviera is immensely beautiful to say the least, however, unlike what many people believe, there are a large number of cities on the French Riviera. It doesn’t just consist of Cannes, Nice, and Monaco, but rather tens and tens of other cities. If you’ve never been to the Riviera, or just visited a few times, it’s hard to know where on the Riviera you should go, and which city suits your preferences. Nice is considered the largest capital city on the French…
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62 Interesting Facts About Nice (#7 will surprise you!)

62 Interesting Facts About Nice (#7 will surprise you!)

Nice is one of the most iconic and certainly popular cities on the French Riviera. The facts about Nice stretches far back, and over the course of many thousand years, it has been able to establish its reputation both in France and over the world. Nice has quickly turned into a large city, in fact, the largest city on the French Riviera which many tourists who visit the French Riviera has as their natural choice of a hub for exploring the south of France. It is known for its iconic Promenade des Anglais, its enormous beach that stretches many kilometers,…
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The complete list of The Best Beaches in Nice

The complete list of The Best Beaches in Nice

Looking for the best beaches in Nice? When you think about the French Riviera, you probably think of azure blue water, lots of sunlight, beautiful beaches, and lovely pine and palm trees. And if you are going to think of a city on the French Riviera, chances are, you’re going to think of Nice. Of course, that’s no coincidence. Nice is the largest city on the French Riviera, and therefore, it is also the city on the French Rivera that attracts the most tourists. Nice is home to the third largest airport in France, as well as lots of other…
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Cannes or Nice on the French Riviera: Which City is Best?

Cannes or Nice on the French Riviera: Which City is Best?

Are you wondering if Cannes or Nice is best? A common question that is being asked is ”Cannes or Nice - which is the best?”, and when it comes to comparing different cities, it’s always a bit tricky, because every city is unique in their own way, and what some might consider being the best might not be considered the best according to someone else. Mostly, when comparing cities, including when trying to decide Cannes or Nice, it’s about preferences. So that’s why we won’t share too many personal options in this post but instead focus on answering the question…
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Your list of the best Michelin-guide restaurants in Nice, France

Your list of the best Michelin-guide restaurants in Nice, France

Looking for a great restaurant in Nice, France? France is known for its top-class cuisine and its beautiful wines that often accompany the meals. On the French Riviera, the French cuisine is influenced by the surroundings, the sea, and the crops that can be grown on the steep mountainsides. Mediterranean French Cuisine often include fish and locally produced vegetables. France has a reputation all over the world for its world-class cuisine,  and if you are looking for great restaurants in Nice, on the French Riviera, you can be sure that there are quite a few. In fact, there is certainly…
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35+ Things to do in Nice, France: The Complete Ultimate Guide

35+ Things to do in Nice, France: The Complete Ultimate Guide

Looking for things to do in Nice? Nice is the largest city on the French Riviera, and not surprisingly, it is also the city which attracts the most tourists every year. But tourists wouldn’t visit if there’s nothing to do, and Nice wouldn’t be as loved as it is today if it didn’t offer its tourists activities that suit all tastes. If you visit, you’re probably wondering about the things to do in Nice, and what you should do while you’re here. In this article, we’re sharing a complete list of the most important and most popular things to do…
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Attractions and Things To Do Around Nice (With Photos)

Attractions and Things To Do Around Nice (With Photos)

Nice is the perfect starting point for discovering the French Riviera's hotspots; Monaco, Cannes, mythical St Tropez, Antibes and Juan Les Pins. All with its own charm, wonderful beaches and exciting restaurants. Do not forget to visit Gourdon up in the mountains and also Bussena Vecchia outside San Remo. Cannes is a little cozy and smaller than Nice. Then it is close to Monaco and Monte Carlo. You can do small excursions here and there every day even if you live in a place you like. Antibes Antique Antibes is probably the most beautiful and picturesque part of the French…
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Nice Activities: 10 Activities to do in Nice France

Nice Activities: 10 Activities to do in Nice France

1. Escape Game For those who do not know the concept, an "escape game" is a game to play with friends. Usually in a team of 2 to 6 players. You are locked in a themed room and you have an hour to get out. For example, at the Lockout - Antibes, with a different theme everytime like Sherlock Holmes, the room is riddled with riddles and codes to decipher, and full of suspense, like it is in the movie. Price: About twenty euros per person (€20 euro). 2. Visit a Perfumery It may seem a bit off with Grasse,…
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20 Amazing Things to do in Nice France (With Photos)

20 Amazing Things to do in Nice France (With Photos)

What to do in Nice for vacation or just for a weekend? We have compiled 20 amazing and remarkable things to do in Nice France to make the most of this beautiful city of Nice and its region. 1.Castle Hill Nice Unmissable in Nice: climb on the Castle Hill in the late afternoon and immerse your eyes in the big blue. The view of Nice is absolutely sublime. A real moment for yourself, facing the immensity of the city, its walk of the English and its beaches. The most valiant will take the steps, the slackers will fall back on…
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The Complete Guide to the Old Town of Nice: Nice Vieille Ville

The Complete Guide to the Old Town of Nice: Nice Vieille Ville

The town of Nice on the French Riviera might be mainly known for its Promenade des Anglais, and its stone pebble beach. While the new part of Nice where most tourists spend their time in, Nice can be divided into two parts: new Nice, and Nice Vieille town, which translates to the old town of Nice. The old town of Nice has a still-standing quarter with lots of charming buildings and monuments that are a must-visit when on the French Riviera, and particularly in Nice. The Nice old town is a place to visit both during the day as well…
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Must See in Nice France – 7 Things You Have To See When in Nice France

Must See in Nice France – 7 Things You Have To See When in Nice France

Nісе is a beautiful riverside hоlіdау dеѕtіnаtіоn thаt allures thе tоurіѕtѕ from асrоѕѕ the glоbе еvеrу уеаr. Thіѕ іѕ оnе оf the largest сіtіеѕ in France lосаtеd on thе Frеnсh Riviera. Nice hаѕ lоаdѕ of thіngѕ to оffеr all age groups. Nice is рорulаr fоr іtѕ hаrbоr as wеll as for its bеаutіful vіеw оf Promenade des Anglаіѕ which іѕ thе рорulаr wаtеrfrоnt of France. There are many port cities nеаr Nice thаt vасаtіоnеrѕ can еxрlоrе during their vасаtіоn in thе Nice. So, vасаtіоnеrѕ wіll have loads оf opportunities tо еxрlоrе the French Riviera. Nice іѕ ѕіtuаtеd оn thе Mеdіtеrrаnеаn…
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